寄付で支援する はじめての方へ

Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2023 We are looking for Charity Runners!

We are supporting women and girls
who are now facing difficulties
in developing countries and conflict zones such as Ukraine


CARE International Japan has been selected as the donation organization of the Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2023 Charity.

Donations will be used to support CARE International Japan's poverty alleviation activities by helping women and girls in conflict zones and developing countries to become self-reliant.

Why don't you join us as a charity runner?

Event Name Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2023
Event Date 2023/10/15(Sun)
Course Half marathon course to/from National Stadium (tentative)
Official Site Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2023 Official Website https://www.legacyhalf.tokyo/en/index.html

Application Procedure & Schedule

 Application period   4/28(Fri)11:00 a.m. ~5/24(Wed)5:00 p.m. (JST)
 How to apply 

Please fill out the application form below.
Application Form (You will be redirected to Google Forms.)

 Decision process 
First-come, first-served

The applications received will be tentatively allocated in the order in which they are received.

 Number of applicants   50 people

Settlement of donations
 Donation Period   4/28(Fri)~5/26(Fri)5:00 p.m. (JST)
You will be asked to finalize your donation during this time above. We will be sending you the instructions on how to do so, please follow the instructions carefully.

※Please note that if we are unable to confirm your settlement during the period, your provisional reservation for a slot in the race will be cancelled.

※Under no circumstances will donations be refunded. Please understand this before applying.

※In the event of a vacancy, we may move up the waiting list.

Runner Entry
 Entry Period  6/1(Thu)11:00 a.m. ~ 6/8(Thu)5:00 p.m. (JST)
By entering through the Tokyo Marathon Foundation’s system during the time above, you will be confirmed the right to participate and run the marathon.
Donation Amount 50,000 yen or more per person

In addition to the above donation, separate payment of the entry fee is required.

※For more information, please visit the official website.

  • Exclusive to this tournament! CARE Original Quick-drying sports T-shirt as a gift.
  • Invitation to join the CARE Charity Runners Limited Facebook Group

※Donations only are also accepted. Please contact CARE International Japan for details.

Ambassador Message

Saburo Takizawa
Toyo Eiwa Jogakuin University Professor Emeritus
CARE International Japan Vice Chairman

Your donation will support

the future of women and girls in need.

For example... for a donation of 50,000 yen

  • アジアの女性や女の子たちの未来を支えます

    5 mothers evacuated with their babies from Ukraine can receive infant kits, including diapers, wipes, formula and baby food.

  • アジアの女性や女の子たちの未来を支えます

    Each of the 25 girls attending the community school can receive one set of the educational materials.

    ⒸJohn Hewat/CARE
  • アジアの女性や女の子たちの未来を支えます

    In a refugee camp, 15 families can receive a three-month hygiene kit including sanitary products and soap.

Inquiries CARE International Japan
(In charge of Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon 2023 Charity) 



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  • ガザの子どもたちにポリオ・ワクチンを投与


  • 見捨てられていないという安心感と援助を必要としています


  • 9月8日は「国際識字デー」~ 東ティモールの子どもたちへ学習雑誌を届けよう!

    9月8日は「国際識字デー」~ 東ティモールの子どもたちに学習雑誌を届けよう!

  • 政変から3年:アフガニスタンの人々は世界の怠慢の代償を払っています





©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE