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【Newsletter topic】International Women's Day and "Walk in Her Shoes"

March 8 is International Women's Day. It was proposed by the United Nations in 1975, inspired by the activities of American women who sought suffrage. This activity aimed to promote women's advancement and status in society, particularly to have the activities of women and girls duly recognized.
This year, the "Walk in Her Shoes 2024," the 13th annual international cooperation in walking, will begin on International Women's Day.

Now that water is an essential part of our daily lives, we take for granted that we can turn on the tap and get safe water, but in many parts of the world, we must spend hours fetching water, and the water we are desperate to get is not always clean.
In developing countries, fetching water is considered the role of women and girls, depriving them of many opportunities to work and learn.

Women and girls have to carry heavy water for kilometers and hours on desert and mountain paths, with the possibility of being attacked by animals or sexually exploited.
We hope all participants of the "Walk in Her Shoes 2024" international cooperation walk will think of these women and girls as they walk.

Let us all aim to reach 1.4 billion steps by the end of the campaign on May 31!

*This year's International Women's Day theme, "Invest in Women. Make More Progress." showcases women making great strides by investing in water. Our online photo exhibition, "Water x Investment," will be available until Sunday, March 31, 2024. (Japanese text only)

Related information


CARE International Japan
Campaign coordinator
2-2-1 Mejiro,Toshima-ku,Tokyo 171-0031, Japan
Tel: 03-5950-1335 Fax: 03-5950-1375

Walk in Her Shoes 2024 (Japanese text)



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©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE