寄付で支援する はじめての方へ

ウォーキング・パートナーの取組紹介 vol.5 〜株式会社スマート・アイ編〜

今年の歩く国際協力「Walk in Her Shoes 2022」には、昨年の倍となる20社もの企業の皆さまに、社員参加を促進いただく「ウォーキング・パートナー」として、ご参加いただいています。



(English follows.)



Participant introduction

smart-i.co.ltd is based in Okawa, Fukuoka which is known for having the best furniture in the country. It operates 14 subsidiary online stores offering home decor and furnishings with the mission to bring the joys of interior design to customers all over Japan. We offer a wide variety of household furnishings with a focus on children’s furniture such as bunk beds as well as living and dining pieces and feature pieces from one of our group companies, ETO CO., LTD. who will be participating in this campaign. This is our first time to take part in this event, with 21 participants, which means together with our group company ETO CO., LTD. our participants come to a total of 46.


会社の創業10周年を機に何らかの社会貢献をと考えていた時に、アメリカの知人がCAREに在籍している事を思い出し、その活動内容に共鳴し昨年寄付をさせて頂いたのがきっかけで、ケア・インターナショナル ジャパン様との交流になっています。

Their purpose and goals for participating in the campaign

When thinking of how we could make a social contribution on the occasion of the company’s 10th anniversary, we recalled an American acquaintance who is involved in CARE. We were impressed with what she was doing. This led us to make a donation. This was our first contact with Care Japan.

When we discovered the current campaign, we were impressed by the fact that we could donate by walking. The idea that we can contribute to society and encourage our employees to improve their health at the same time resonated with us, and we decided to participate. We trust that each of the employees will develop an increased interest in health management, and will become more aware of international social issues at the same time.




Their plans for in-house efforts to promote enthusiastic participation

On March 7th, the day before CARE's Walk in Her Shoes Campaign started, we held a kick off event on Zoom for all of the participating employees. Since the campaign lasts until the end of May, we will hold a midpoint ZOOM meeting where the participants can check their overall and in-house ranking to boost motivation.

We are also thinking of making a company-wide announcement listing the participants' in-house ranking. Furthermore, as we expect some of our employees to discover health related interests such as trekking, muscle training and fasting, we are considering helping with the cost of equipment etc. it hopes that they will continue to pursue those interest.





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©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE