寄付で支援する はじめての方へ


H.E. Mr. MEGATA Shuichiro, Chair of the Board of Director of CARE International Japan,
Prof. Hasegawa Sukehiro Distinguished Professor of Kyoto University of Art

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to be here today to convey my congratulatory message on the occasion of the 35th Anniversary of CARE International Japan.

CARE International Japan has been working for the people of Timor-Leste for more than fifteen years through various programs such as Livelihood Improvement Project for the people in rural areas called “Haforsa Project”, Atsabe Rural Development Project for Improvement of Agricultural Water Supply System in Ermera District,  supporting LAFAEK Project implemented by CARE Timor-Leste and many other projects.

As many of you know, Timor-Leste celebrated its 20th Anniversary of restoration of independence this year. On behalf of the Government and  people of Timor-Leste, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the support given by CARE International Japan and also by the people, organizations and companies  of Japan who have supported the development of Timor-Leste through CARE International Japan.

I understand that CARE International Japan has been engaged to Empowerment of women or gender  issues in Timor-Leste which is very important  to encourage our people especially in rural areas. I wish CARE International Japan will continue its projects in our country for further development and people’s independent life.

Your dedication to helping the poor in the village is like a candlelight for young generation there to be developed in the future. Your presence there is changing the unknown into knowing, changing non-existent into being, changing the mindset and behavior of human life. Together we build Timor-Leste!



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