寄付で支援する はじめての方へ


Personal information protection policy of CARE International Japan, a public interest incorporated foundation (“Foundation”)


Following is a public disclosure of the personal information protection policy of the Foundation in accordance with the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information".

I 個人情報保護方針(プライバシー・ポリシー)
I. Personal information protection policy (“Privacy Policy”)

公益財団法人ケア・インターナショナル ジャパンは、高度情報通信社会における個人情報保護の重要性を認識し、以下の方針に基づき個人情報の保護に努めます。
CARE International Japan, a public interest incorporated foundation, recognizes the importance of protecting personal information in the society of advanced information and communication, and endeavors to protect personal information based on the following policy.

1. 個人情報の取得について
1. Acquisition of personal information

Personal information is acquired only in a manner that is both legal and fair.

2. 個人情報の利用について
2. About the use of personal information

Personal information is used within the scope of the usage purposes as notified at the time of the acquisition and only to the extent necessary for ensuring appropriate conduct of our operations.
Personal information may be provided to a third party for the purpose of joint usage or the handling of personal information may be entrusted to a third party only after strict and thorough investigation of such a third party. In such a case, proper supervision is exercised in order that the safe management of the personal information is ensured.

3. 個人情報の第三者提供について
3. Provision of personal information to a third party

Except as required by law, personal information will not be provided to any third party without the prior consent of the individual entrusting personal information to the Foundation (“Entrusting Individual”).

4. 個人情報の管理について
4. Management of personal information

Accuracy of personal information shall be maintained and managed safely.
In order to prevent loss, destruction, falsification or leakage of personal information, appropriate information security measures are implemented against unauthorized access to personal information, computer viruses, etc. Leakage of personal information shall be prevented through prohibition of taking or transmitting personal information outside.

5. 個人情報の開示・訂正・利用停止・消去について
5. Disclosure, correction, suspension, or deletion of personal information

When it is confirmed that the person has the right to request disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or deletion, etc. of his or her personal information entrusted to us, and if such a request has been made, the request shall be responded to promptly without objection.
It is requested that any comments or questions regarding the handling of personal information be directed to the Foundation.

6. 組織・体制
6. Organization / structure

An employee of the Foundation is appointed as a personal information protection manager responsible for appropriate management of personal information.
Training regarding the protection and proper management of personal information is provided to officers and employees of the Foundation who are engaged in handling of personal information in order that the proper handling of personal information in daily operations is ensured.

7. 個人情報保護コンプライアンズ・プログラムの策定・実施・維持・改善
7. Formulation, implementation, maintenance and improvement of personal information protection compliance program

In order to carry out this policy, the Foundation has formulated a personal information protection compliance program, which includes this policy, "Personal Information Protection Regulations" and other rules and regulations, has made it understood and followed by all employees of the Foundation and other related parties, and will implement, maintain, and improve the program on a continued basis.

II 個人情報の利用目的の公表に関する事項

II Matters concerning disclosure of the purpose of use of personal information

1. 当財団は、取得した個人情報を下記の利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内で利用いたします。

1. The Foundation will use the acquired personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the following purposes of use.

  1. 1) 事業支援団体・個人への助成・協賛申請、報告を行うため
  2. 2) 事業活動紹介等の広報資料等の送付を行うため
  3. 3) 会員にたいする会費の請求、領収書礼状等の送付を行うため
  4. 4) 寄付・募金にたいする依頼、領収書礼状等の送付を行うため
  5. 5) イベント等各種支援協力者への依頼、連絡を行うため
  6. 6) その他、上記事項に準じた財団事業活動を適切かつ円滑に行うため
  7. 1) To apply for grants or sponsorships, and make reports to support organizations and individuals
  8. 2) To send public relations communication materials such as business activity news letters
  9. 3) To send bills of membership fees, receipts, and thank-you notes to the members
  10. 4) To make a request for donations and send a thank-you note, etc.
  11. 5) To make necessary communications with supporters and cooperators for various events
  12. 6) To conduct other necessary activities to properly and smoothly carry out the Foundation’s business operations in addition to the above matters.

2. 当財団は、個人情報についてあらかじめご本人様からご同意を頂いた場合の他、法令の規程あるいは公共の利益を保護する為に必要な場合、当財団とご本人様の権利・財産・安全などを保護・防御するために必要であると合理的に判断できる場合を除いて、前項に定めた利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて、個人情報を取り扱うことはありません。

2. The Foundation will not use personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use as set forth in the preceding paragraph, unless prior consent of the Entrusting Individual is obtained, or it is necessary to comply with the regulations of laws and regulations or protect the public interest, or it can be reasonably determined that doing so is necessary in order to protect and defend rights, properties, or safety of the Foundation and the Entrusting Individual.

3. 当財団は、個人情報についてあらかじめご本人様からご同意を頂いた場合の他、利用目的達成のために委託する場合、法令の規程あるいは公共の利益を保護する為に必要な場合、当財団とご本人様の権利・財産・安全などを保護・防御するために必要であると合理的に判断できる場合を除いて、第三者へ開示・提供はいたしません。

3. The Foundation will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties unless consent of the Entrusting Individual is obtained, or the personal information is entrusted to the third parties in order to achieve the purpose of use, or it is reasonably determined that doing so is necessary in order to protect the rights, properties, safety, etc. of the Foundation and the Entrusting Individual.

4. 当財団は、公表した前記II-1.の利用目的を変更する場合には、変更する利用目的についてホームページ等を通じて公表いたします。

4. Foundation will announce in its website any change made to the purpose of use as stipulated in II-1. above.

III 「開示等の求め」に関わる手続きに関する事項

III Matters concerning procedures related to "request for disclosure, etc."

1. 当財団の保有個人データに関する開示、訂正、利用停止などが必要な場合、当財団(窓口は下記IV項と同じ)までお申し出下さい。

1. If you need to disclose, correct, or suspend the use of personal data held by the Foundation, please contact the Foundation (the contact point is the same as Section IV below). After confirming that the requester is the Entrusting Person himself or herself, we will carry out the necessary procedures.

IV 「苦情」の受け付けに関する事項

IV Matters concerning submission of "complaints" etc.

1. 個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情、ご相談、ご質問等につきましては当財団(下記)までご連絡下さい。

1. If you have any complaints, inquiries, or questions regarding the handling of personal information, please contact the Foundation (contact information as below).

公益財団法人ケア・インターナショナル ジャパン 総務部
email : info@careintjp.org
General Affairs Department
CARE International Japan
tel: 03-5950-1335
email: info@careintjp.org
(Operating hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding weekends, national holidays, and New Year holidays.)

V 『個人情報の保護に関する法律』に基づく公表事項の公表等

V Publication of publicly announced matters pursuant to the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information"

Public matters based on the Foundation's "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" will be announced on the Foundation's website, posted at the office, and distributed in public relations magazines. In addition, the Foundation may revise all or part of the published matters based on the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information" without notice. If there are important changes, we will post the changes on our website.


Privacy Policy for applicants/participants based in the European Economic Area (EEA)

欧州一般データ保護規則(GDPR)が適用される欧州経済領域(EEA)域内に所在する方の個人情報の取扱いに関しては、当財団の「個人情報保護方針」(以下、「基本方針」といいます)に加えて、下記の記載内容(以下、「本方針」といいます)が適用されます。 なお、前者で規定する内容に後者で規定する内容が抵触する場合には、後者の規定が優先するものとします。

This Privacy Policy is applied to the Foundation for processing the personal data we collect from each applicant/participant in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), in addition to the “Personal information protection policy of CARE International Japan” (hereinafter referred to as "Basic Policy"). If the content specified in the former conflicts with the content specified in the latter, the latter provision shall take precedence.

I. 個人データの種類

I. Types of personal data


In this Privacy Policy, ‘personal data’ means any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person ("Data subject").


The Foundation may collect and process the following types of personal data.

1) 氏名
2) 性別
3) 生年月日
4) 国籍
5) 住所
6) 電話番号
7) 携帯電話番号
8) 電子メールアドレス
9) クレジットカード情報などの支払に関する情報
1) Name
2) Sex
3) Date of birth
4) Nationality
5) Address
6) Telephone number
7) Mobile number
8) E-mail address
9) Information about payment such as credit card information

Ⅱ. 個人データの法的根拠

Ⅱ. Consent

The Foundation handles personal data with the advance consent of the Data Subject.

Ⅲ. 個人データの保存期間

Ⅲ. Retention period of personal data


The Foundation will retain the applicants/participants’ personal data as long as such data is necessary for the purpose stipulated in the Basic Policy, but we will promptly delete the same in case such data is no longer necessary.

Ⅳ. 個人データの移転

Ⅳ. Transfer of personal data


Personal data acquired by the Foundation will be handled only within Foundation and will not be transferred outside Japan.

Ⅴ. 個人データの取り扱いに関する権利

Ⅴ. Data subject’s rights


To the extent afforded by the applicable law, Data Subjects may exercise the following rights with respect to personal data.

1)Right to access
2)Right to correct
3)Right to erase
4)Right to limit processing
5)Right for data portability
6)Right to raise an objection
7)Right not to be subjected to the decisions made based solely on automated processing such as profiling that have legal effect

Ⅵ. お問い合わせ

Ⅵ. Inquiries


In the event of any questions or concerns regarding the processing of personal data by the Foundation, or any requests concerning the Data Subject’s rights, please contact us at the following help desk department by telephone or e-mail.

公益財団法人ケア・インターナショナル ジャパン 総務部


email : info@careintjp.org


General Affairs Department

CARE International Japan

tel: 03-5950-1335

email: info@careintjp.org

(Operating hours: 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, excluding weekends, national holidays, and New Year holidays.)

Ⅶ. 監督機関への不服申し立て

Ⅶ. Appeals to regulatory agencies


Applicants/Participants based in the European Economic Area have the right to appeal to the competent supervisory authority (see URL below) regarding the processing of their personal data.



1. 制定 2005年4月1日
2. 改定 2005年7月1日
3. 改定 2010年2月1日
4. 改定 2022年7月13日

1. Enactment April 1, 2005
2. Revised July 1, 2005
3. Revised February 1, 2010
4. Revised July 13, 2022

*The contents of this site are provided in English for reference purpose only, with the Japanese version prevailing.




©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE