ケア・インターナショナル ジャパンの東京マラソン2023チャリティ ボランティア募集! Volunteer Wanted!
*English follows.
ケア・インターナショナル ジャパンは、東京マラソン2023チャリティの寄付先団体に選ばれ、70名の方々がチャリティランナーとしてご出走くださいます。
CARE International Japan has been selected as one of the beneficiary organizations of Tokyo Marathon 2023 Charity, and our 70 charity runners will run in the Tokyo Marathon 2023.
We are looking for volunteers to provide warm support and hospitality to the charity runners from all over the world who will be running to help women and girls in developing countries and conflict zones such as Ukraine. Please encourage your family and friends to join us.
■Tokyo Marathon 2023 Charity Official Web Site
お申込・お問い合わせ先/Application and Inquiries
公益財団法人ケア・インターナショナル ジャパン (轟木)
CARE International Japan (Todoroki)
MAIL : event@careintjp.org
Please include your name, phone number, desired activity and date (see below) in the email text.
2023 /2/ 15
Deadline has been extended.
*English follows.
【日時】2023年3月2日(木)~3月3日(金) 9:45~15:30 or 15:30~21:00
〒135-0063 東京都江東区有明3-11-1
【日時】2023年3月5日(日) 11:30~17:30
〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内3-5-1
【日時】2023年3月5日(日) 9:00~16:00
【場所】東京マラソン2023 コース沿道
*This is different from the Tokyo Marathon 2023 volunteers recruited by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation's official volunteer club "VOLUNTAINER".
①Reception at EXPO
【Date】2023/3/2(Thu)~3/3(Fri) 9:45~15:30 or 15:30~21:00
※We are still accepting applications for the above dates and times only.
3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan 135-0063
【Contents】You will hand out participation benefits to charity runners at the EXPO held prior to the event.
【Remarks】Preference will be given to those who can speak English (daily conversational level), as many charity runners are from overseas.
②Support at the Charity Lounge
※The application for this position has been closed due to reaching the maximum number of participants.
【Date】2023/3/5(Sun) 11:30~17:30
5-1 Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005
【Contents】You will assist with hospitality by serving refreshments and taking photos in the lounge where charity runners will visit after the finish.
【Remarks】Preference will be given to those who can speak English (daily conversational level), as many charity runners are from overseas.
③Cheering along the course
【Date】2023/3/5(Sun) 9:00~16:00
【Place】Tokyo Marathon 2023 Course Roadside
【Contents】We ask that you support the charity runners along the course with the cheerleading goods that will be distributed to you.
【Remarks】Language skills are not required. We will be wearing masks and other infection control measures, but we are looking for people who are energetic, vocal, and supportive (Subject to change depending on the infection situation).
©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE
Copyright © CARE International Japan, All rights reserved.