ウォーキング・パートナーの取組紹介 vol.10 〜株式会社パデコ編〜
歩く国際協力「Walk in Her Shoes 2024」キャンペーンには、多くの企業様にもご協力いただいています。その中で、社員さまが団体参加をする「ウォーキング・パートナー」の企業様のお取り組みについて、シリーズで紹介します。
株式会社パデコは、インフラ開発、教育、人材開発など多岐にわたる分野で世界の社会課題に取り組む、開発コンサルティング会社です。1983年の設立以来、110 以上の国と地域で、日本や各国政府、国際開発援助機関などからの資金提供による開発プロジェクトを実施してきました。
Can you please introduce your corporation?
PADECO is an international consulting and engineering firm contributing to various sectors, including infrastructure, education, and human resource development. Since its establishment in 1983, we have implemented development projects, funded by governments of Japan, local governments and international development assistance organizations etc, in more than 110 countries and regions worldwide.
For example, we are involved in a project to construct a high-speed rail in India, a project to promote the Japanese model of education in Egypt, and projects for industrial promotion in Palestine and Argentina. PADECO is now a member of Pacific Consultants group and will continue to contribute to the creation of a better global society.
今年は3 回目の参加となり、昨年よりも多くの社員が参加しています。過去の参加者からは、「このキャンペーンのおかげでウォーキングに積極的になれた」「社内のランキングを見ながら、他の人に負けないように頑張ろう!と良いモチベーションになった」などポジティブな感想が多く、参加者同士の会話の促進にもつながるため、今年も参加することを決めました。
What are the reasons for participating in the campaign?
This year is the third time for us to participate in this campaign with more people than before. Participants from previous years had a positive experience and gave feedback such as "This campaign has made me more active in walking" and "Looking at the internal ranking has been a good motivation for me to try not to lose out to others".
This campaign also promotes conversation among participants, so we have decided to join the campaign again.
While PADECO adopts work from home style, this campaign helps to promote the health of employees, and we believe that this is a wonderful campaign as walking every day while thinking about women and girls in developing countries leads to international cooperation.
Also, another point that is attractive for us is that our employees can flexibly participate from anywhere at their time. This year, some members are participating from Romania and Vietnam, while they are on business trips.
Please tell us in-house actions for the campaign.
This year, to promote communication among participants, we created a member introduction that includes photos and department information of the participants at the start of the campaign. We also shared messages of enthusiasm from the organizers. Additionally, we regularly highlight the top-ranking participants to boost motivation.
We have prepared attractive prizes for the top three participants in the in-house ranking this year, aiming to make the campaign an exciting internal event.
©︎Juozas Cernius/CARE
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